Equality Utah
1. Alejandro Mora is the Associate of Development and Communications and as such would be my contact to start a communications campaign with them.
2. There are several audiences for the Equality Utah campaign, including the LGBT community, local legislators, and the community at large.
3. The goal of the documents I create for them would be to raise awareness of LGBT issues in Utah and lobby for law changes supporting LGBT rights to create a more equal community. The ideal response from these documents would be a greater awareness of the issues and a greater willingness to do something about them.
4. I have thoroughly read their website and understand the challenges facing the organization, their guiding principles, audience, and goals. I understand that this is a tricky topic and that creating a communications campaign for them will be an interesting task in which I will need to consider the conflicting values of the different audiences for the documents.
5. I really want to work with a nonprofit that will make a direct impact on people’s lives and I think LGBT issues are very important in our community. One of my constant frustrations since moving to Utah is the inability for many people to accept and embrace the LGBT community, and I think this would be a great way to spread the message of love and equality.
6. Questions I would ask my potential contact are:
• What has your communications strategy been in the past? (Emails, mailers, social networking, etc.)
• How has the response been from this strategy? Would you say it was effective?
• How much time per week does your company already spend on communications?
• What would you like to see in an improved communications campaign?
• What are three main points you would like to get across through this campaign?
• What audience would you most like to target with this campaign?
• How can we unite the three organizations under the Equality Utah brand? Would this even be worth pursuing?
• How would you like to see all the issues Equality Utah tackles united in a single campaign? (Should they all be included in every communication? Spotlight certain issues? Etc.)
• What is the process for approving each communication? Who all needs to approve it?
• Is there a specific look you would prefer for these communications? Will there be any branding issues?
International Rescue Committee
1. There is no staff list on the IRC website, however one potential contact would be Patrick Poulin, the executive director of the Salt Lake City office.
2. The audience for these communications would be the Salt Lake City community who are interested in the rescue of refugees and their placement in our community.
3. The ideal response would be a greater awareness for rescue efforts in our community and to have a community more open to accepting refugees in the future.
4. I have read through their website and have familiarized myself with the programs offered in the Salt Lake City area.
5. I would love to work with the IRC because human rights and humanitarian work are very important to me and something I would like to pursue after graduation.
6. Questions I would ask my potential contact are:
• What has your communications strategy been in the past? (Emails, mailers, social networking, etc.)
• How has the response been from this strategy? Would you say it was effective?
• How much time per week does your company already spend on communications?
• What would you like to see in an improved communications campaign?
• What are three main points you would like to get across through this campaign?
• What audience would you most like to target with this campaign?
• Is there a specific aesthetic you would prefer for these communications? Will there be any branding issues?
• Will any legal issues come into play with these communications? (Including the need for confidentiality if we choose to do a “success stories”/”spotlight” section?)
• How will we unite the Salt Lake City IRC goals with the goals of the national organization? How will we differentiate?
• How important is it for us to market this as an important community effort rather than just a national organization?
CHOICE Humanitarian
1. Keith Ellis, the field communication specialist for CHOICE, would be my contact.
2. The audience for these communications would be socially-conscious community members who already have some background knowledge of the CHOICE Humanitarian organization.
3. The ideal response would be an impulse to create change through the CHOICE organization and to support them through donations or volunteerism.
4. I have read most of their website and understand their business model and target audience.
5. This would be a great opportunity for me because I ideally want to work with humanitarian aid / social justice nonprofits as a career.
6. Questions I would ask my potential contact are:
• What has your communications strategy been in the past? (Emails, mailers, social networking, etc.)
• How has the response been from this strategy? Would you say it was effective?
• How much time per week does your company already spend on communications?
• What would you like to see in an improved communications campaign?
• What are three main points you would like to get across through this campaign?
• What audience would you most like to target with this campaign?
• What aspect of CHOICE would you most like to highlight through these communications? (Donations, need for volunteers, community news, etc.)
• What role would you like your community partners to play in the communications?
• Ideally, how will you reconcile the news between the five countries you support in a single communication?
• Is there a specific aesthetic you would prefer for these communications? Will there be any branding issues?